After the Snow
11 X 14 Watercolor on Cold Pressed Paper
© 2016 Judith G. Glover
This is a painting of her neighbors’ backyard in the snow. The painting was done by applying masking agent to the parts of the painting the artist didn’t want to change when she added more watercolor. In this painting all the whites of the snow were blocked out before any paint touched the paper.
Once the desired areas were covered with masking fluid she poured a single paint color over the whole painting. After this layer of paint dried, the next layer was more masking fluid added in new places where Judith didn’t want more paint.
These two steps were repeated until the painting was almost completely covered with masking fluid. Each layer of paint changed the unmasked areas just a little and left the masked areas as they were. Near the end of this process the painting was really ugly, because the masking fluid covering it was opaque and gray. Then Judith used a rubber cement remover to lift all the masking fluid, and the surprise was what you see here.